Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heal the Body Without Drugs

Healing is accomplished by nature, modern medicine may aid the healing process, but it is nature, the body itself, that accomplishes the healing task.

We assist the body to heal itself with various drugs. Antibiotics and antivirals are common. But at present, it seems there is a pill for modifing practally every function of the body. This makes me question the wisdom of using so many drugs to take control of impaired functions before we try a more natural approach.

If you have high blood pressure, before taking a drug, would it not be better to try losing weight, exercising and changing your diet first? Sure, popping a pill seems so easy, but you must remember that there are side effects to taking drugs. It takes work to heal the body in a more ntural way, but in the long run, it is worth it. You gain real health, rather than masking the symptoms of a deeper, underlying cause.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Bad Breath Treatment

You can treat bad breath with an all-natural, pure herbal oral care product that is guaranteed to fight gum disease, gingivitis AND bad breath. Some products formulated to treat bad breath are ineffective because they attempt to treat bad breath by covering the odor with a sugary flavoring. Because this flavoring contains sugar, it does not actually treat bad breath, but only disguises it and actually makes bad breath worse. The bacteria that cause bad breath in your mouth love sugar, and the more sugar you supply them with, the more they will grow and the worse your bad breath will be.

To treat bad breath, it is necessary to attack these bacteria, not feed them. All natural OraMD can treat bad breath because it contains the essential oils of peppermint, which have been proven to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath in your mouth. Other products that claim to treat bad breath contain no ingredients that have been proven to kill these bacteria.

If you are interested in a product that will actually treat bad breath rather than just disguising it, click here to learn more about OraMD. Another benefit of using this product to treat bad breath is that it is 100% natural and contains no potentially harmful chemicals.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

End my confusion. What are discount dental plans?

I might be a slow learner but I am finally getting a grasp on the nature of discount dental plans. They are an alternative to dental insurance, they are definately not insurance policies. Discount dental plans, although not a dental insurance product, provide individuals, families, businesses and other groups with an invaluable dental benefit. Discount dental plans are an alternative to dental insurance that provide plan members  with discounts on most dental services with a strong emphasis on preventive procedures. Discount dental plan members pay a low membership fee for the year for access to a network of participating dentists and dental specialists that provide deep discounts on dental care to dental plan members.

Many individuals and families that do not receive dental insurance from their employers turn to discount dental plans to reduce their out-of-pocket expenses on dental care. Additionally, more businesses are looking toward discount dental plans as an affordable and easy way to provide their employees with a much needed dental benefit. 

I have dental insurance at this time, but the facility where I work will be closing and I will loose my dental insurance. I will be looking for a discount dental plan for my area and sign up when I lose my insurance.

You can find a discount dental plan and a participating dentist by filling in your zip code below:

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Testing the claims, do these treatments really work?

The natural products I write about on this blog, OraMD and Dynamiclear, I use myself and I'm truly excited by how well they work. It is kind of strange to discuss one's health problems on a public blog but I know lots of people have the same problems. I know I'm not unique. If these products help you, like they do me, you will be excited to have found them too!

I have chronic periodontal disease and I've had it for years. I've had the surgery and the root planing and the 4 dental cleanings a year and was struggling to keep the chronic infection at bay that eats away at the bone holding in your teeth. I know that gum disease can cause other problems besides tooth lose, including heart disease. I got desperate and tried OraMD. I do the program that Trusted Health products recommends, that is giving up toothpaste and mouthwash and using only OraMD. It works. My last dental exam was very good and I was told to keep doing what I'm doing. If something works, so what if it a bit unconventional?

As for herpes, yes I have it. Herpes simplex sticks around for life, but that doesn't mean you have to “live” with it. You don't need to feel helpless when you have an outbreak, or use the slow working prescription herpes salves like Acyclovir that you apply over and over again. Dynamiclear is nonprescription, you use it only once during an outbreak and it is mind bogglingly effective. When I apply it to the open herpes lesion, it stings and the lesion turns almost instantly to a scab and starts healing.

Also, the products I mention both come with very good guarantees.

Links to the products:

Answers about discount dental care plans

First off, these discount dental care plans are not dental insurance policies, they are an alternative to dental insurance policies. You can search for a dentist in your area and compare various dental plans online, even sign up online for a plan that is just right for you. You can save up to 60% on dental procedures with over 210,000 quality, credentialed dentist listings nationwide.

Some plans even include free cleanings and exams. There are no deductibles or coinsurance and no annual maximums or minimums like there are in dental insurance policies. These discount dental plans are as inexpensive as $79 a year for an individual, from $129 a year for your whole family. And specialties (including braces/orthodontics) are included at 20-25% off.

Below is a form where you can type in your zip code and find a dentist and discount plan in your area:

Monday, February 4, 2008

Affordable dental plans, an alternative to dental insurance

Affordable Dental Care from

This Blog is about saving money using natural, nonprescription remedies. Even using a very effective natural product like OraMD, you need to compliment that personal oral hygiene care with regular dental cleanings and checkups. If you want to save money on checkups, cleanings, braces, root canals and more, then please check out the Dental Plans website. Enjoy the freedom to choose from over 30 discount dental plans with savings of 10% to 60% on most dental procedures. This can save you a significant amount of money.

The cost of dental care is rising and finding ways to save money becomes more and more important. This is a great way to save money on dental procedures through the  use of a discount dental plan. It's fast and easy, and you can save on all of your dental care needs. As use use the natural OraMD product and see the improvements in your dental health, have it confirmed by regular dental visits. Find a discount dental plan by visiting the Dental Plans website and compare plans to find one that fits your needs.

1) The most dentists in combined networks ANYWHERE!
2) Join a plan online instantly
3) No paperwork hassles

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Causes for bleeding gums may be traced to neglected gums, teeth or mouth. Bleeding gums are a sign of an unhealthy mouth, as there is no natural cause for bleeding gums. Periodontal disease can be a cause for bleeding gums. Canker sores, receding gums, and other oral health problems may also be cause for bleeding gums. If your gums are bleeding, visit your dentist.

Causes for bleeding gums may vary. Not all bleeding gums are a sign or periodontal disease. Eating sunflower seeds or chips may be a cause for bleeding gums. Finding out the cause for bleeding gums helps you decide which treatment is right for you.

Dental checkups can reveal some surprising information on your overall health. Thyroid problems, diabetes, leukemia, brain tumors, oral cancer, skin cancer, mental illness, Alzheimer's, drug abuse, bulimia, HIV, hardening of the arteries, and TB are just a few of the medical concerns that can be detected today by dental professionals. Research indicates that more than 120 medical conditions manifest themselves in the mouth.

If you have bleeding gums, you should seek help. If you already have periodontal disease, a primary cause for bleeding gums, then treatment should include eliminating anything that might be a cause for bleeding gums. Fortunately, periodontal disease can be prevented and my suggestions are posted to this blog.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Stop Bleeding Gums

How to stop bleeding gums:

The leading cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis. Gingivitis is a gum disease caused by bacteria . Gingivitis is a very common gum disease, almost 75 percent of American adults have some form of gum disease. Gingivitis affects the tissues that surround and support your teeth causing gums to bleed and recess and eventually lead to tooth lose.

The best way to stop bleeding gums is to prevent it from ever starting. Bleeding gums are caused by the bacteria in plaque - a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth. If not removed by daily brushing and flossing, plaque will build up and the bacteria can infect not only your gums and teeth, but eventually the gum tissue and bone that support the teeth. This can cause teeth to become loose, fall out or have to be removed by a dentist. Good oral hygiene is how to stop bleeding gums.

Superior oral hygiene can be achieved through rinsing the mouth with OraMD. It is an effective gingivitis home remedy. OraMD is a natural dental care product made from the essential oils of almond, spearmint, and peppermint. OraMD offers a long-term method of stopping bleeding gums through cleaning the mouth and killing the bacteria that cause plaque, preventing the problem before it starts.

Try all-natural OraMD with confidence because Trusted Health Products,Inc unconditionally guarantees your total satisfaction with a no quibble, money-back guarantee, no matter how many you order.

Click HERE to learn more

Thursday, January 10, 2008

OraMD compared to OraDR

Just a quick note on two similar products. Both products claim to cure gum diseases such as gingivitis, bleeding gums, chronic periodontal disease (periodontitis) and prevent bone loss and pockets around the roots of teeth.

I haven't tried OraDR. One reason is the price. I see it advertised for $59.97 and I'm uncertain as to how big the bottle is. As far as it's effectiveness is concerned I don't know, but I believe the ingredients are the same as those in OraMD

I use OraMD. The price of one bottle is $19.97 and using the recommended dose (two drops on a toothbrush twice a day) lasts 3 months. OraMD works very well. I have chronic periodontal disease and needed a solution outside of the conventional wisdom of dentistry. OraMD is saving my teeth! I wish I had discovered this product years ago. My dental hygienist says to keep doing what I'm doing.

I don't really know how good OraDR is, but from my experience I would recommend OraMD. It has a similar name, cheaper price and works great.

Click here for more info on OraMD and special OraMD prices

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Symptoms of Gum Disease

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Symptoms of gum disease include red gums, sore gums, swollen gums, bleeding gums, gums pulling away from your teeth, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, bad breath, and bite changes among others. Red, sore, and bleeding gums are the first symptoms of gum disease. This can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection in the gums and the bone that holds the teeth in place. If the infection worsens, your gums may pull away from your teeth, making your teeth look long, exposing more of the root.

Symptoms of gum disease aren't always readily apparent, so it is essential to practice good oral hygiene to prevent the symptoms of gum disease from even starting in the first place. Don't ignore the symptoms of gum disease. Daily brushing and plaque removal are good ways to prevent the symptoms of gum disease from becoming worse. When not removed, plaque buildup causes gingivitis and gum disease. And you should be using OraMD instead of your normal toothpaste, at least I do and it works for me, a person with chronic periodontal disease. I only wish that I had discovered this product years ago and visited my dentist more often, then I might not have the chronic periodontal disease I have today. This product helps me control it, along with quarterly visits to my dentist for teeth cleaning.

Good oral hygiene can help prevent the symptoms of gum disease from worsening. With superior oral hygiene, the symptoms of gum disease can be almost entirely avoided. OraMD is an all-natural dental care product made from the essential oils of almond, spearmint, and peppermint. OraMD offers a long-term solution for treating the symptoms of gum disease by killing the bacteria that cause plaque, thus preventing the problem before it begins. I would not have thought that these natural oils contain antibacterial properties, but they do and they work very well. And there is no alcohol or harsh chemicals in OraMD.

Buy OraMD now or find out more information

Gingivitis: Gingivitis Treatments, Cure, Gum Disease, Gum Health

Gingivitis: Gingivitis Treatments, Cure, Gum Disease, Gum Health: "Chronic gingivitis is a common condition. In fact, gingivitis affects over 90% of the population of the United States. If treated, the prognosis for those who have gingivitis is good. Untreated, gingivitis may progress to gum disease or periodontal disease. Gingivitis is painless in the early stages, but may lead to bleeding gums and other oral problems. Bleeding gums are only one sign of gingivitis. Gums become red and swollen, teeth may become loose or may eventually fall out.

Gingivitis, when combined with receding gums, periodontal disease, and other conditions, can create serious health problems. Gingivitis almost always leads to bad breath, a serious social problem for many people. Brushing the teeth to remove plaque and tartar helps, as does treating canker sores that may appear on the gums and taking other steps to maintain good oral hygiene.

Properly treated, the prognosis for patients with gingivitis is good, but otherwise it may progress to periodontitis, loose teeth and eventual tooth loss. Marginal gingivitis is painless but may appear as bleeding from the gingival crevice, particularly when brushing the teeth. Gingivitis is the first sign that you need to take additional action to prevent gum disease or even worse. Gum disease has been linked to many other catastrophic illnesses including stoke and heart attacks."
Natural OraMD is a gingivitis remedy that really works.

For more information, click here

Friday, January 4, 2008

A Personal Testimonial to OraMD - Natural Cure for Gum Disease

A Personal Testimonial to OraMD - A Natural Cure for Gum Disease?

I wish I had discovered this product years ago.
OraMD is a combination of spearmint, peppermint and almond oils that cure receding gums, gingivitis and periodontal gum disease. I use it and it works. I have chronic periodontal disease and I've had gum surgery to try and repair the damage. Since the surgery I've lost 3 molars due to gum infection in the very deep pockets around the roots of my teeth. I needed help. Conventional dentistry wasn't enough to save my teeth unless I opted for expensive antibiotic injections into my gums every month.
I read about OraMD on the internet and decided to try it. It was a bit scary at first because the folks at Trusted Health Products advise using OraMD in place of toothpaste, but I decided to go with their program and gave up my toothpaste. The conventional dental route was just not working for me so maybe OraMD would do the trick.
This is my testimonial to the effectiveness of OraMD. This all natural product could have saved me many expensive dental bills and a few pulled teeth. I hope to convince you to visit the OraMD website and learn more about this great product before you lose your teeth. Please try it. There is an unconditional guarantee of satisfaction, you have nothing to lose.
Since I've used this treatment the bleeding and redness have disappeared from the surface of my gums. They look pink and healthy. I recently went to my dentist for my quarterly teeth cleaning and he said my mouth looked great. The dental hygienist said to keep doing whatever it was I was doing. If OraMD works this well on me, a person with chronic periodontal disease, then please try OraMD if you have bleeding gums or gingivitis. Do it before your problem becomes more serious.

OraMD is affective against periodontal disease. Gingivitis is a leading contributor of halitosis, and by eliminating the bacteria in your mouth that causes gingivitis and periodontal disease, you stop halitosis too.

This natural product is an inexpensive solution to gum disease, gingivitis and bleeding gums. It eliminates the problem bacteria that can cause serious periodontal disease.

Visit the official OraMD website for more information