Saturday, January 5, 2008

Gingivitis: Gingivitis Treatments, Cure, Gum Disease, Gum Health

Gingivitis: Gingivitis Treatments, Cure, Gum Disease, Gum Health: "Chronic gingivitis is a common condition. In fact, gingivitis affects over 90% of the population of the United States. If treated, the prognosis for those who have gingivitis is good. Untreated, gingivitis may progress to gum disease or periodontal disease. Gingivitis is painless in the early stages, but may lead to bleeding gums and other oral problems. Bleeding gums are only one sign of gingivitis. Gums become red and swollen, teeth may become loose or may eventually fall out.

Gingivitis, when combined with receding gums, periodontal disease, and other conditions, can create serious health problems. Gingivitis almost always leads to bad breath, a serious social problem for many people. Brushing the teeth to remove plaque and tartar helps, as does treating canker sores that may appear on the gums and taking other steps to maintain good oral hygiene.

Properly treated, the prognosis for patients with gingivitis is good, but otherwise it may progress to periodontitis, loose teeth and eventual tooth loss. Marginal gingivitis is painless but may appear as bleeding from the gingival crevice, particularly when brushing the teeth. Gingivitis is the first sign that you need to take additional action to prevent gum disease or even worse. Gum disease has been linked to many other catastrophic illnesses including stoke and heart attacks."
Natural OraMD is a gingivitis remedy that really works.

For more information, click here