The natural products I write about on this blog, OraMD and Dynamiclear, I use myself and I'm truly excited by how well they work. It is kind of strange to discuss one's health problems on a public blog but I know lots of people have the same problems. I know I'm not unique. If these products help you, like they do me, you will be excited to have found them too!
I have chronic periodontal disease and I've had it for years. I've had the surgery and the root planing and the 4 dental cleanings a year and was struggling to keep the chronic infection at bay that eats away at the bone holding in your teeth. I know that gum disease can cause other problems besides tooth lose, including heart disease. I got desperate and tried OraMD. I do the program that Trusted Health products recommends, that is giving up toothpaste and mouthwash and using only OraMD. It works. My last dental exam was very good and I was told to keep doing what I'm doing. If something works, so what if it a bit unconventional?
As for herpes, yes I have it. Herpes simplex sticks around for life, but that doesn't mean you have to “live” with it. You don't need to feel helpless when you have an outbreak, or use the slow working prescription herpes salves like Acyclovir that you apply over and over again. Dynamiclear is nonprescription, you use it only once during an outbreak and it is mind bogglingly effective. When I apply it to the open herpes lesion, it stings and the lesion turns almost instantly to a scab and starts healing.
Also, the products I mention both come with very good guarantees.
Links to the products: